

Born to an Italian family where the kitchen was the center of our universe, my earliest memories are of the rich aromas of my Nonna’s legendary ragu and the love and laughter that filled the family home. As a child, I was that eager little one perched on a kitchen stool, watching, learning, and occasionally sneaking a taste of whatever magic was brewing on the stove.

Growing up into a man I am passionate about sharing these family recipes and traditions as well as hosting events and occasions that reflect that loving Italian way.

Hey I'm Mark Bonito

I have been lucky enough to have grown up with an Italian family and being surrounded by the most incredible food on the planet. With my Nonna, Nonno and Aunties continuously in the kitchen loading up the table every Sunday so that all 25+ of us have an amazing feast, it is no wonder I took an interest in cooking. “How do you make this taste so good?” , “what is the secret ingredients in that ragu?”, “Nonna can I please have your recipe?”

Years later here I am cooking meals from the families top secret recipe book, impressing my children and anyone who gets to dine with me.

I can’t stop cooking for other people and showing off how next level this Italian cuisine really is!

I now run a food festival that has sold out 4 years in a row and I conduct cooking demos, workshops and lessons across the UK.

Bonito Cooking School (aka Bonito Cucina) is my base where I can teach you authentic Italian family cooking as well as recipes and techniques from around the world. 

mark chef
Minori Italy

Where My Family Is From

Minori - Italy

Along the stunning Amalfi coastline lies the quaint and crumbly village of Minori. A legendary village amongst chefs and foodies for its unspoilt authentic cuisine. Also home to the Bonito & Ferrigno families, the culinary heritage of Bonito Cucina.

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